Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Life lately

I can't believe that's it's almost December already!! Where did the time go? This kiddo is keeping us very busy because he is now in perpetual motion! Ha! Walking like a champ (minus a few bumps and bruises and a close run in with a kitchen table leg).  He loves walking his little toy up and down the driveway and sidewalk. Doesn't he look so small walking next to his daddy?

Check out that bruised head and little band-aid. He honestly just narrowly missed getting stitches. Let's keep the head boo-boo free please kiddo! You have lots of professional pictures happening this month! 

We had a great Thanksgiving spent with my parents, sister and some family friends. Henry ate every part of the thanksgiving meal (he especially liked the cranberry sauce)! 

Can you tell he loves his Gramps and Grammy? 

He gives the best kisses. We are working on closed mouth ones next. He freely offers them, just be prepared for some slobber! 

We put up our Christmas tree too! So far, the almost one year old hasn't messed with it much. I did make it a point to put all breakable ornaments up higher and kept the soft or plastic ones at his level. He does admire it and it just makes his daddy and I so happy. Christmas with a baby/toddler is so fun! He loves going on walks when it's dusk and seeing the Christmas lights the neighbors have in their yards too. 

Thanksgiving break was so relaxing. Lazy morning eating homemade sweet potato waffles and enjoying having no where to be. Christmas break get here quick! 

I said to Josh the other day, I don't know how I'm going to stretch this belly for another 4 months! I feel so large and in charge. Ha! I can feel lots of kicks and rolls now, which I'm so happy about. 

Couldn't be more excited for this season! Starting to plan his 1st birthday and lots of family members are asking what to get him for his birthday/Christmas. I made a little image of things I've been thinking would be great gifts for a one year old. If you have any toys/activities that were a big hit with your kiddos when they were this age, could you share them?

That's life lately this week! 

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