Friday, December 15, 2017

Henry's 1 Year Old photo shoot

Am I really a week away from having a one year old? Seriously, fastest year of my life. My sweet and talented friend Shanti from SClancy Photography came over and took the cutest pictures of Henry. I want to share my favorites here. (Although it was hard to even pick favorites!)

She started with the basket that we took his newborn photos in! Look at the difference. (Insert tears here)

I don't know how many people know this but when I was little I used to pray that I would have a baby with dimples someday. Isn't that just so funny? The dimples get me EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. God is so good to me, remembering that sweet 6 year old's prayer! 

These are my personal favorites. His bear and his lovie. 

That impish grin. I swear he won't get away with everything in life with that face. Ha!

So funny moment captured. This kiddo loves to put knobs that are at his level in his mouth. I have no idea why. It's comical. Of course he did it and Shanti caught it on camera. Silly little baby quirks. 

Hmmm...let's guess who's favorite book this is? If you guessed Josh, you are right. Henry will not go to bed until this book is read to him each night. It's longer than his typical board books but Daddy does Batman's voice and he is entranced. 

He was fussing but at least it looks like he's laughing. 

He rubbed that frosting everywhere. 

 Successful cake smash...ha!

I love how these turned out. Can't believe my baby is going to be one! 

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