Friday, January 5, 2018

I have a one year old.

Typing that header makes me cry! My sweet baby is one! Honestly, it's been the fastest and greatest year of our lives so far. A baby truly changes everything (to quote Faith Hill).

I can't believe how much growth takes place in just one year.

Mama and Daddy love you so much. You've brought more joy to our lives then we could have every imagined. You have the best smile and giggle. You give the best (and sloppiest) kisses and are just such a happy boy. We pray every night with you that God blesses you with so many gifts of the Spirit and that you are always a light for Christ. We can't wait to see how you grow and flourish this year and it's so exciting to see your developing personality. Happy Birthday, peanut!
Mama and Daddy

Some 1 year old stats:
Weight- 27lbs (97th percentile..ha!)
Height- 30 inches (75th percentile)

-walking (almost running) everywhere
-drinking whole milk like a champ
-eats everything we do
-still naps twice a day (1-2 hours each)
-sleeping 7:00/7:30 pm to 6:30/7:00 am
-sings in a sweet little voice (loves Jingle Bells, anything Raffi)
-gives kisses and started to blow kisses
-imitates simple hand motions in songs ( Wheels on the Bus, etc)
-loves pushing toys around the house (or stools, chairs, anything that scoots)
-still loves his bath
-is friendly with everyone he meets, always quick to offer a grin

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