Sunday, January 7, 2018

Friday Favorites

This kid snoozing on us is pretty rare but when you fight a nap in the crib, you do what you gotta do! 

Tuesday we took Henry to Discovery Place Kids with his cousin Judah, Aunt Bethany and Uncle Torrey. Lucky kid got a pass to the museums as his birthday/Christmas gift so we can visit anytime we want. He's just starting to be big enough to play at the museum so it was fun to watch him. 

My sister's married! She got married last Saturday. I play to do a post on just this coming up but wanted to share some pics from the day! 

(photo credit for above and below picture is Emmyloo Photography)

We made our first ever trip to Costco. My parents got a membership there. I've heard only the best reviews from people who shop there but I'm not sure I'm won over yet. Josh and I are members of BJ's (similar to Costco- think it's a southern store) and I think we might just stick to it. Diapers were a good deal at Costco so I will be having my mom and dad pick up boxes for us from time to time. Anyone got any advice of things they can't live without from Costco or BJ's? Maybe my experience was just weird. It was super busy and the store just didn't seem very organized or easy to find stuff. BJ's is laid out more spaciously and has signs with labels everywhere. I did love the amount of organic stuff available at Costco. I'm just not sure our little family of three would get use out of the immense packages of stuff yet. Ask me again in a year. Ha.  

Thinking it's time to retire these pjs. Ha! The bump is getting BIG. I swear every time I go to the doctors and they measure me, I expect to hear "Oh, your measuring two weeks ahead..." or something like that. NOPE. Seriously though?!?! I feel way bigger at 27 weeks- probably the same as Henry at 37! Maybe it's a 2nd baby thing. Jeepers. My gut says my April 7th baby will actually be a March baby though. Mark my words. Mother's intuition. 

I have to be real for a moment though. This baby is so very wanted and we are so excited but this pregnancy has not been as fun or comfortable as Henry's was. Again, maybe it's a 2nd baby thing or I'm too busy and tired to enjoy it. I don't know. I have a lot more hip/back pain, heartburn up the wazoo and just plain pooped at the end of the day. Only a few more weeks I keep telling myself. Those sweet little kicks and rolls help to make me smile though. 

Don't even ask if we are ready for baby G yet. Not a thing is prepared. Better get on it, huh? Nursery? Nope. Now that the holidays have passed, nesting will kick into gear big time. Two months to go! (Josh is not so excited about the nesting phase. Ha.)

I enjoyed my last weekend of my Christmas decor being up. Starting this week it's coming down little by little. Always makes me a little sad to take it all down but with baby coming I'm itching to get a fresh and clean house ready for his arrival! Christmas will be here again before we know it! 

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