Thursday, January 25, 2018

Life Lately

Life lately has looked a lot like this! Messy face, following mommy everywhere around the house. Yes....everywhere. Can't use the bathroom in peace anymore. Lol. Mom life. Good thing Henry is so adorable. Funny how he doesn't do that same thing with Daddy. Hmmm. 

We enjoyed our snow days off greatly last week! Henry had a little love/hate relationship with the snow but had a good time following behind Daddy as he shoveled and cleared a path. In true southern fashion there was only about an inch predicted but we had about 5-6 inches actually come down! Which equals no school for about a week, since it turns icy and then any roads that are remotely shaded do not melt. School buses and ice don't mix, so we enjoy the extra days off. 

This accurately shows how Henry felt about the snow by the end of 45 minutes outside! Ha! 

I did not join in the fun due to fear of falling on the ice. This kiddo has me feeling very large and in charge and my balance is definitely not all there anymore.

Been trying to work on Baby G's nursery. Poor kiddo has to share his room with guests. I totally hope he doesn't have second kid syndrome. Hobby Lobby had some great finds the other day. I'm not really doing a "theme" but this is what I've gotten so far.

The white scripture verse will go above the crib, fabric is for crib skirt and the galvanized metal shelves will be for books! 

I want to make one of these (pic from Pinterest) but am on the hunt for some used bowties. Anyone local have any they are getting rid of?

We are going to put a round mirror on the wall over the dresser. Lamp will change of course. 

Some Pinterest inspiration....
Retro Southern Gentleman's Nursery - love the framed bow ties! Boys room art framed baby bib, how to tie a tie frames from IKEA

I guess you could say I'm going for things "little gentleman". Can't wait for Baby G to arrive! Just under 10 weeks away now! 

Did my first load of teeny-tiny baby laundry. My house smells like Dreft again and I love it! 

That's all I can think of to type right now. I'll end with some cute pics of Henry from Sunday in his "Prince George" outfit. Ha!

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