Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Boys, boys, boys.

That title is so appropriate. I'm surrounded (but love it)! 

We got to see our sweet baby G last night in his 3D/4D ultrasound. Such a sweet baby. He definitely has the pouty face down pat. The ultrasound tech could see a double chin and lots of hair! Ha! Again, explains my heartburn! I think he looks just like his daddy- which will totally be who he looks like when he comes out I'm sure. Go figure. Technology is amazing. Seeing these pictures makes his upcoming arrival even more real! My last few appointments I've been measuring 2 weeks ahead and the tech yesterday said he's a pretty good size so at this point I'm pretty much banking on a early arrival (37 weeks or so). Crazy!! 

Henry's 3D/4D pics are below for comparison purposes. I see some resemblance but I think they will definitely look different. 

                    This                This kiddo I think is starting to realize something is up. We have starting setting up the nursery, put the swing and bouncy seat back together, etc. and he just walks around and watches everything! We've started to put a baby doll in those items and talk about how they are for the baby. We'll see if it really helps or if it's all futile. He's still a baby himself. Baby G kicks him all the time when he's on my lap or snuggled next to me. Henry will look up at me as if to say, "Whatcha poking me for?". Ha ha ha! Anyone got any tips on how to acclimate the toddler to the baby? 

Seriously...mad props to single parents. I'm so blessed to have a partner on this crazy wonderful journey of life. Especially being pregnant and exhausted and not having the physical capability to carry a 28 lb. toddler around all day. Daddy comes to the rescue for sure. I LOVE YOU JOSHUA JOHN! 

I have to laugh at the items babies like to play with. We have picture of Danielle and I using this exact colander as a hat when we were little! Who needs toys, right? Doesn't that smile just melt you though. He's such a cheerful kid, I'm so thankful. 

We ordered this double stroller the other day off of Amazon. I'm figuring I'll be glad to have a double stroller come summer time. We got the Joovy Scooter X2. Anyone have this stroller or one of this brand? I'm hoping we love it. It has a HUGE bottom basket, each side can recline and it claims to fit through standard doorways. I'll review it after I've used it a while. Can I just say, how does anyone buy things at a store before first comparing prices on Amazon? This stroller was over a $100 bucks more at Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us! Seriously?!? Ugh. 

Hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday! Can you believe it's almost Valentine's Day?!

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