Thursday, February 22, 2018

Friday Favorites

Ya'll. This kid. Josh sent me this picture yesterday and I swear I almost cried on the spot. How I'd get so blessed to be his mama?

I've been listening to a new song from Dave Barnes all week after Josh decided to play it on an errand run last Saturday. Not smart. I was ugly crying in the car and looked like someone punched me in the face the rest of the afternoon. Ha ha! But the song is great. What simple prayer we all have for our children. 

"May your life be long,
Your friendships deep,
May your heart be kind and true.
I pray you'll know the peace of God,
and how dearly I love you."

-Song for My Children by Dave Barnes

It's a beautiful song-just make sure you listen to it at home...with tissues. 

This cup. It was a Christmas gift from one of my kids and I just have to say how much I love it. I know there are super expensive versions, but this one is awesome. Ice will still literally be in the cup the next day!! With as much water as I'm drinking right now (and has to have lots of ice...cold, cold, cold) this cup is the bomb. I don't know if I should really be putting it in the dishwasher or not- but it seems to handle that just fine! 
It can be bought online and at Target! 

Well, the crib has been put together at least. I love how the bedding turned out. My talented mama made the crib skirt, the sheet is Pottery Barn Kids and bumper is from Amazon. 

Artwork needs to be hung and final touches added. We are close but yet so far away from being done. 

Yellow chair is going and will be replaced by a rocker. Still on the hunt for bow ties. Well actually, if we are being honest, I haven't been to one store to look. I don't know if it's just life with a toddler or preggo life with a toddler but once I get him in the car in the afternoon to go home, that's all we do. Go home. The idea of going to a store, lugging my 28 pound baby out of car, into stroller, walking around with my already swollen feet from working all day- no thanks. That's probably why I have nothing done and why I should really invest in Amazon prime! Yes..people tell me shopping gets even better with two! #momprobs

Sorry to my northern friends and family. You won't appreciate this favorite very much, so skip it if you want.
72 degrees in February? YES, PLEASE! It's so refreshing to be outside! I know Henry is loving it. Especially when he screams and cries about going inside when I need to start dinner. *sigh*
Is it here to stay? Probably not. We'll get a freaky March cold front. Probably an Easter snow storm. You know right when I go into labor or something. So we are enjoying it while it's here!

Loving these random sweet moments from my week. Might as well end with some pictures.

Totally going to need to get those safety door handle things. I thought we had some time before this stinker could reach them. 

Henry's taken an interest in coloring now. Thank heavens we've moved on from the eating crayon stage. Now we make little marks on the paper. I love watching his little mind make connections. At night we always read a Llama Llama book and in the one about Llama at school it ends with a picture he drew on the fridge. I put one of Henry's pictures on the fridge and now every time we read that page, he giggles and smiles at me like he knows his artwork is on the fridge too! 

Totally running out of lap space. Can't wait to be holding both my sweet boys in just a few short weeks! 

I hope you all have a relaxing weekend! 

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