Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Life Lately and Henry 14 months

Hi everyone! I feel like a bad mama...Henry's baby book has no more space and there's so much I need to jot down to remember. 

Henry at 14 months:
-Sleeps 7pm- 6:30/7am 
-Working towards the one nap a day goal (doesn't work perfectly everyday but we are getting there)
-Eats everything and anything. Don't even think of trying to eat ANYTHING different then you've given him because he will whine until he's eating it too! Ha! 
-He has 12 (!!!!) teeth. 4 of those are currently breaking through. Poor kid. Two molars and two canines! 
-Loves to read. Favorites that are must haves every night are Bedtime for Batman, Llama Llama Misses Mama or Llama Llama Mad at Mama. He giggles and smiles at the exact perfect parts too. I love this kid. 
- Loves his new Mickey Mouse toy from his Uncle David and Aunt Brooke. Calls it "Mmm-maa". 
-Speaking of communication- here are words he knows:
Mama, Daddy, Nana, Papa, Di-Di (Danielle), Yes, Hi, All done, Again, Light
Signs- all done, more, thank you, please (we are working on teaching him the sign for help)
I think that's pretty good for 14 months! 
- Loves to go to the library for story time on Mondays.
-Has to wave goodbye from the door to Josh and I when we leave in the mornings. My mom says after that he goes upstairs and carries around a little canvas picture of the two of us and says our names over and over. (cue tears here....)
-Totally knows something is happening soon, is very interested in us setting up the new baby's nursery, putting up swing and pack-n-play, etc. 
-His two grandpas are definitely still the family favorites. Misses my dad (Grampy) when he's not home and has to face time Josh's dad (Papa) at least once a day! It's adorable. 
-Starting to show a stubborn streak. Definitely knows what he wants and will try his best to get it. Has no problem whining or shouting to let us know his displeasure. I said to Josh the other day that the real parenting is going to begin now. Any tips on beginning discipline for a toddler? Not against spanking (when necessary) but would love other effective ways too. 14 months is too little for time out? If you've read any great books- please pass along the titles! 

We just love each and every moment that God blesses us with! I don't think I've ever known such joy (or exhaustion! ha!). Babyhood was fun but I'm loving the personality and communication that's happening right now. He's such a fun little person to be around! 


Some life lately moments:

My sweet school family gave me a diaper shower this week. It is so appreciated- especially with having two in diapers! It was a little gentleman theme. Adorable. 

Making some nursery progress. I need to get out my actual camera and take some good pictures. G's room doesn't have the beautiful big windows that Henry has, so lighting isn't the best.

    We are still trying to pick our a nursery chair. Can't decide between another regular glider or a glider/recliner combo. The recliner sound heavenly for those middle of the night nursing sessions.  

Still adding some fun knick-knacks and art prints over the changing table. 

This is my view a lot lately. I'm just pooped and my hips hurt like a mother. I'm total penguin waddle at this point. Apparently, my blood work last appointment said I was deficient in protein and calcium numbers, so I've been doing my part to up that intake. You know, the random yummy Chick-fil-a milkshake of course! Ha! As much as I long and wish for this baby to arrive soon and have my body back, I need to quit being selfish and just pray for a healthy and happy baby that will arrive when he's good and ready. That being said, I do have an ultrasound next week to check size, since big brother was born over 7 lbs at just 37 weeks. So interested to see what that says. I think this kiddo is a pretty good size too. 

Happy hump day tomorrow!!

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