Wednesday, March 28, 2018

What's Up Wednesday- March edition

What We're Eating This Week...

Well, we are eating but it's nothing fancy! 9 months preggo has this mama not in the mood for cooking. We had a lovely Chicken and Rice casserole (homemade), Mexican take out and tonight we had Josh's famous Quiche. Tomorrow and Friday? Who knows. These boys may be fending for themselves. Ha!

Henry obviously enjoyed his quiche tonight.

What I'm Reminiscing About...

How sweet is this picture of my brother with Henry? I can't believe in just a few days he might be holding another nephew! Ahhh!!

What I'm Loving...

The beautiful spring weather that is finally arriving! Henry loves to be outside and the warmer temps sure make
being outside in the afternoons more enjoyable. If only I didn't have to deal with the temper tantrums from when we have to come in. *sigh* #lifewithatoddler

What We've Been Up To...

We've been pretty low key lately. Haven't been going to far and just kind of sticking by the house. This was my last week of school before Spring break and my maternity leave so I've been super busy making sure my classroom is clean, prepared and set up for my interim. You teachers out there understand how it's more work to be out then to be in school! Ha!

What I'm Dreading...

Giving birth? Well, not really dreading. It's more excitement mixed with dread. Labor wasn't bad, I just think it's the fear of the unknown since each birth is so different. Will I be able to go natural or will I be induced? Will I end up having a c-section? Ugh. Wish I had a magic mirror to see the future.

Scared of giving bir #pregnantchicken

What I'm Excited About...

Holding my sweet baby! Seeing Josh hold his second sweet son. Witnessing my two babies meet for the first time. I know my heart is going to BURST.

What I'm Watching/Reading...

These books are in constant rotation in the Lindstedt household. Thank goodness for Scholastic book orders. I was getting a little tired of the same three books at night for the past 6 months!

As for what I'm watching. Moana. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. By the time it's clear for me to watch adult shows, I'm in bed. Real life. Maybe when I'm up in the wee hours of the morning nursing the baby, I can catch up on some shows.

What I'm Listening To...
When Henry is not in the car, it's This American Life podcasts. If he's in the car it's more of the above. He requests his music. LOUDLY.

What I'm Wearing...

Let's be honest...whatever fits. Which is not much anymore. Even my maternity pants are starting to not go over this bump of mine! I did take the liberty of ordering some new tops from Loft for me to wear in the next couple months. A reward of sorts. Push present to myself. I'm such a dress girl in the spring and summer but they just aren't very convenient for nursing. So I ordered some super cute tops that will be easy to wear with a nursing tank underneath. I figured shorts and skirts will be my uniform this summer. They are super cute, right?!


What I'm Doing This Weekend...

If not, enjoying Easter with my family. My sister and brother in law got a new puppy and they are bringing her to my parents for the weekend. I'm sure one little boy will be very excited to meet his pup cousin!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month...

Learning how to be a mom to two babies! Settling into a groove as a family of four and just enjoying every beautiful (hectic, crazy) moment! Might not be a lot of blogging for a little while- I'll try to keep up! I'm asking for your prayers for a smooth delivery, healthy baby and easy transition into this new stage of life- for me, Josh and precious Henry! 

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