Monday, April 9, 2018

Graham Leo Lindstedt

Our sweet boy finally decided to arrive! 
Graham Leo Lindstedt
April 5th, 2018 at 5:45pm
7 lbs 5ozs and 21 inches long

Graham's Birth Story (before I forget!)

This baby was in NO RUSH to come out at all. I had my regular 39 week OB appointment on Tuesday and they swept my membranes. That did nothing. I was starting to get anxious (silly, I know) so it was offered that we could be put on the elective induction list. Basically, if the hospital isn't super busy and there is a room available, they will call you to come in and begin the labor process. I figured it would take a few days before getting a call. Thursday morning I was playing with Henry and Josh had just left for work when the phone rang. They had space and told us to come on in. Oh, the excitement! I called Josh and then starting packing up Henry for going to Nana's house. Poor Henry. He could tell I was in a tizzy and was so whiny and clingy. He knew something was up. 
Once Josh arrived at home and we dropped off our precious first born at the grandparents we headed onto the hospital. We arrived around 11:30 and began the check- in process. The nurse started the pitocin drip around 12:30. I was having a few contractions here and there on my own, but the pitocin definitely got them started. I was happy and handling the pain well at this point. (See below photo.)

Fast forward to about 3-4 pm. I had come in around 4 centimeters and when they checked me, I was still 4 centimeters. They broke my water (which side note- glad that didn't happen out in public...that was a lot of water!!) and things got real after that. I think just the 30 minutes after my water broke, the contractions were so intense I was not prepared for it. I was asking for the epidural very quickly. The nurse told me that it could take up to 45 minutes for the anesthesiologist to arrive...thankfully it he wasn't busy and 10 minutes later he appeared! I did have to have it done three times. Not fun. First one didn't take, the second time only made my legs numb and third time was the charm. I was definitely not feeling any pain by that point. So it's about 5:00 at this point and the midwife comes in to check my progress. In just an hour I had gone from 4 cm to 10! She started chuckling and told me that we could start pushing if we wanted. Josh and I were in disbelief! I'd only been at the hospital in "real" labor for 5 hours! I kept asking if she was joking. She wasn't. 
The baby's heart rate started to dip down with each contraction so they decided it was time to push. 15 minutes later, sweet Graham arrived! He had a very short cord, which is why his heart rate was going down each time. Thankful he was born without any complications and that my pushing was effective enough to not need an emergency c section or anything like that. I was able to do skin to skin with him for about one and half hours before they even weighed him or did newborn assessments. So different then Henry who was whisked off to the NICU. 

I'm so thankful that he arrived healthy and that I had a relatively easy labor.  He was born with a head full of dark hair, blue eyes, two dimples (another one with dimples...lucky me) and looking just like his daddy and brother. 

I can't believe we are a family of four. I'm so blessed and thankful. Two years ago I thought I'd never be a mom and look how amazing God's plan has been. To those still struggling to start a family, Josh and I pray for you everyday. It's so hard to trust in his will and timing (still is for us too) but his plan for you is GOOD! I promise! 

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers for our sweet family! 

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