Thursday, April 19, 2018

Life Lately and Graham's Newborn pictures

Life lately....what day is it again? Ha! That's the status of my life right now. What time and day is it. 
Mommin' two little people all day is hard! Kudos to you mamas of more than 2. Not sure how you do it. Especially when those little people are close in age. It's hard but yet wonderful, if that's even possible? I love being home with my two little guys and enjoy snuggling the baby and interacting with my toddler all day. Am I exhausted at the end of the day? Yup, you bet. Apparently, when Henry was a newborn, I had a leisurely maternity leave. Josh was home the whole time, our house was immaculate and I got a shower everyday. This time, Josh is back at work (which we are thankful for), my home will never be immaculate again (I guess I'm ok with that right now...) and I maybe shower everyday? Ha! I truly couldn't feel more blessed though. My whole life I have waited and wanted this and now I have it. My cup truly runneth over. 

Of course, nothing makes you more thankful for you health and life then having a close call. We were rear ended Sunday morning pulling into the church parking lot. The guy following us was dozing off and didn't see our blinker on. Scariest minute of my life- especially having two babies in the backseat. Thankfully, we were all ok and the only damage is to the car.

This kid loves his accessories. Between shoes, hats and sunglasses- he keeps us laughing. When we compliment him, he goes running to the full length mirror in our room and checks himself out. Cracks me up. Not full of it at all. 

 Mom went with me to Discovery Place the other day so Henry could get out of the house. We came home and of course, someone had gotten a 10 minute car nap (wah wah) and afternoon nap was sabotaged. But luckily, Nana and Graham got a nap in. Ha! 

This little fuzzball is the cutest. I need to knock on wood just typing this but wanted to document. I know it may not last. Graham is sleeping through the night. Unbelievable (praise hands emoji). We are taking advantage of it while we can. Pediatrician gave the green light to let him sleep and not wake to feed since he's gaining weight and my milk supply is great. Thankful to be getting 6-7 hours of straight sleep! Yippee! (Especially since I'm not getting any naps.)

Okay...get ready for photo overload. Shanti came on Saturday and took sweet Graham's pictures. Can I just say that I love that she's been the one to document all my sweet babies moments so far? Love that (and her).  

All below photos are by SClancy Photography. 

Henry still gives wet kisses. Can you tell? 

My sweet boys. 

It's going to be hard for me to choose which ones to frame! 

Hope everyone has a fabulous week. So thankful for everyone that has brought us meals, sent well wishes and checked up on us. We have wonderful family and friends! 

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