Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone! I'm sure you (like me) are super excited for the weekend. I love the weekends because JOSH IS HOME! That extra pair of hands is the best. Plus, I love my hubby and it's fun having the four of us home together. 

Well, this week has had it's highs and it's lows. I think we are finally finding our groove at home. Granted, I still have moments of wanting to tear my hair out and scream, it's getting better. Does that mean I give my toddler random things (like a bag of straws?!?!) to play with while I nurse? Yup. Please, please share suggestions of any tips or ideas on what to do with him while I nurse. 

I did enjoy watching them playing side by side the other morning. It was a glimpse of things to come. 

Three words. Rock and Play. It's by Fisher Price. This thing is amazing. New mamas- register or buy this! We put Graham in it to sleep last night and he made it 5.5 hours before waking up to nurse! We kept reading rave reviews and decided to give it a try.  I think the slight incline makes him happy and he feels tucked in on all sides. 
Image result for rock and play

Graham was baptized on Wednesday evening. Such a special moment when someone is baptized. We pray that God will bless and direct his life and that he always knows how much Jesus loves him! We tell him every night that Mommy and Daddy love him very much but that Jesus loves him even more! It's hard to even fathom that kind of love since our love for our children is so strong! My skinny and long baby had to wear a blue gown instead of Henry's baptism didn't even remotely fit! Ha! 

Friends that have visited and brought us dinner! Ya'll have no idea what a life saver that has been. Of course, a baby's fussy time is 4-8 (prime hours for cooking a meal) so dinner prep has been seriously lacking. We love you all for taking care of us so well! Reminds me how special it makes someone feel to be remembered.  

DonĂ¢€™t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

Nursing tanks from Motherhood maternity. I got by with regular tanks last time with Henry but I splurged and bought one in every color this time! I LOVE THEM. Supportive and easy to use and go well under any kind of top. I hope to nurse Graham at least as long (if not longer) than I did with Henry, so hoping these tanks hold up for the long run! 

I'll end with another favorite. This sweet snoozer with his sweet smile and dimples. Have a great weekend! 

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