Monday, May 14, 2018

Life Lately- One month with Graham!

Well, we have successfully kept two children alive for a month! Ha! It hasn't been easy but each day is worth the little struggles. We are getting into our groove finally. Each day is totally different though. I felt that with Henry the days became a bit monotonous but with two, there is never that possibility! 

Graham is a pretty chill baby. He is a great sleeper, both naps and at night. A night time stretch goes from 11pm- 4am!  So thankful for that. He also will sleep with noise, in the car, etc. *Praise hands*. Henry was not that flexible with his sleeping so this is exciting, especially since we are on the go more. 

Henry is a great big brother. We've had a few moments of jealousy but they are always short lived and his displeasure is usually directed at us. He loves to give Graham kisses and tries to share his toys with him. We are still working on the concept of being gentle. Ha! 

It seems like the 5 week mark is the magic mark for smiles to start appearing! We are loving his sweet dimples and grin! 

Graham Leo, we love you more each day! What a sweet addition to our family you have been!

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