Wednesday, June 13, 2018


I can't believe it is June already! I went back to work, thankfully it was only for a week. I'll feel much better about going to work in August when Graham is much bigger but my mom handled it for this week. Two boys is hard work...her poor house looks like a tornado hit it when I come to pick them up! I have to giggle about pumping at school. I had to explain (very vaguely) what I was doing in my closet twice a day. Of  course, there's a couple that have baby siblings that were quick to say they know what that is. I also loved the conversations they'd try to have with me through my closet door! One of my students also made the comment when I came back that I was "late" (meant absent on my maternity leave) a lot and that he had a lot to tell me. Oh five year olds! I guess one thought I was spending too much time pumping because she made me a watch at free time. I know you want one. So fashionable.

Before work (above) and after (below) All parties were much happier then. Ha!

Graham continues to be the sweetest baby. He's two months old! I've taken him to work with me the past three days (teacher workdays) and he's been a complete angel. Sleeping and just going with the flow. I'm so very blessed.

My sweet former student Tatum was my helper at school this week. She did AWESOME with Graham and he felt so comfortable with her. Slept on her for an hour and a half! 

Some Graham stats so I don't forget...
-has his check up at the end of the month but last time we weighed he was 12 lbs
-wearing 3-6 month clothes because he's so long
-started to coo and talk back to us
-most nights he sleeps 10-5 and then back to sleep after eating until 7am (I know..better knock on wood!)
-takes 3 naps a day (about 1.5-2 hrs each)
-drooling up a storm and blowing lots of bubbles
-loves to bounce and stand on his legs
-still nurses like a champ
-loves his lovie by his face while he sleeps just like his brother
-started to really pay attention to Henry and other people
-total social butterfly, gives out lots of smiles
-such a snuggler and mama's boy
-king of toots (seriously..such a boy!)

Henry has continued to surprise us with how gentle and loving he is with his baby brother. He loves to come hold and kiss his baby brother. Does he always have great body/spatial awareness? Ha! NO. But we are working on not stepping or using brother as a prop to stand up.

Henry is really becoming a big boy.
Some Henry highlights at 18 months are.......
-30.5 lbs (his checkup is end of month too)
-wears size 2t /3t  clothes and size 6 shoe
-started to use a fork correctly
-starting to climb things (couches and chairs being favorites)
-loves to play with his shopping cart, lawn mower, trains, tool bench and water table
-enjoys reading books (Goodnight Gorilla is a current favorite)
-loves to go to story time and see Aunt Mel and Ella Kate (mommy loves this too!)
-Has started talking so much (says car, truck, cold, hot, our names, airplane, duck, Jesus, cheese, hi, up, no, pool, cool, so many more and some short phrases like "There it is!")
-still rocking the sign language as well

I saw this posted on someone's facebook feed this week. Sums up life and outings with these two pretty accurately! Ha! But if they only saw how full our hearts are... 

That's June so far! Pumped that it's summer!!

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