Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Life Lately

Been a while since I posted! Life lately has been so sweet yet busy! Isn't it always that way in the fall?

We had my sister take some pictures for our Christmas card and I thought I'd share some out takes and ones we didn't use. Getting Henry to look at the camera and smile is quite the feat, especially when cars and trucks are driving by. He's obsessed with wheels! 

I don't know what we were laughing at but apparently it was funny.

My baby looks like a true little toddler in this pic. Wahhhhh!! Stop growing so fast, kiddo!

This face was funny. Made me laugh.

 We've been enjoying the yumminess of the season with lots of pumpkin bread. Henry and Josh love it so I'm making it pretty frequently. Smells so good when it's baking. 

Target has been on point with their fall fashion. Isn't this maternity sweater adorable? The ruffles kill me. And that bump. There was no way of hiding it any longer. I totally feel like I'm carrying this baby much differently than Henry. My bump is much lower and wider this time. Maybe it's a girl?! Excited either way. Next Tuesday is the day we find out!! Itching to pieces to know what we are going to be have. Will it be another bow tie or a sweet hair bow?!?

10 months is a fun age. Henry is really starting to entertain himself for longer periods of time (like 20 minutes). Um, hello to dinner prep. Hallelujah. To see his little wheels at work just makes me giggle. Everything still goes in his mouth (of course). This weekend he really started an earnest effort towards walking. Almost trying to hard- to the point he's sweating from practice walking so much. When I got home from school today though, he had figured it out. So all evening it's been walking back and forth from mommy to daddy, couch to table, etc. Easily 8-10 steps every time. 

I just love this kiddo so much. So thankful for him! These pics were taken Saturday at the tail end of a nap for Mama....Daddy decided to let someone wake me up. Good thing he's cute. 
This was a pretty random post but thanks for reading anyways. Hope the rest of your week is fabulous!

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