Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Our exciting news.....

We are going to have another sweet baby!!!

(8 week ultrasound)

I can't even start writing this post without praising our great God!

"Oh for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer's praise
The glories of my God and King
The triumphs of his grace

A thousand songs are not enough 
To say how great You are
The glories of Your majesty
The triumphs of Your love

Awake my soul to sing
The glories of my God and King
Arise and praise the One
Worthy of the songs of a thousand tongues."

            - Awake My Soul (A Thousand Tongues) Matt Maher
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When I was pregnant with Henry the song I played continually was "Good, Good Father" by Chris Tomlin. This song from Matt Maher is going to be this baby's anthem. Who gets all the glory then our amazing, full of surprises God!! I hope you listen to the whole song and that it blesses you
as much as it has me!
I truly sit here in awe and speechlessness of how faithful he has been to me. Those hard years of infertility he faithfully heard and listened to my prayers and then he gave me my first gift- Henry. This sweet baby came as a total and natural surprise and I feel so undeserving of his continual love. Josh and I just pray we can raise our sweet children to know miracles do happen and they come from the ultimate miracle maker! What treasures we have been given. I pray for all of you that you can know and realize what a faithful God we have and that you are never alone.

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I'm currently 15 weeks along. Just entered the sweetness that is 2nd trimester! This pregnancy has been different for sure. I was more nauseous in the beginning but everything else has been smooth sailing. I'm sure it's because I have a 9 month old that keeps me busy so I have less time to dwell on pregnancy related things. When this baby arrives in April, our kiddos will be exactly 15 months apart. While that terrifies and delights me, I pray that they will be best buddies. We plan to find out the gender of this baby as make your guesses. We will find out early November.

Definitely couldn't hide it any longer. I'm showing as much at this point (15 weeks) as I did with Henry at 21 weeks. Ha! I guess it hasn't been that long and my body just went right back into position.

I feel the baby move already and it's the most precious feeling. It never gets old.

Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers! We can't wait to meet our sweet baby!

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