Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday Favorites

A favorite this week was was and easy crockpot soup! I need to be better about meal prep in this season of life. It helps that my mom starts off the day watching Henry at our house, so she can plug in the crockpot and I know it won't be BURNED crisp by the time I get home at 4 pm! Ha! If you have any tried and true yummy and easy crockpot recipes, please share in the comment section! 

A Slow Cooker Chicken Potato Corn Chowder with crispy bacon pieces and mozzarella cheese! As simple as throwing ingredients into a slow cooker and letting it cook for you! (No Cream and Dairy Free Options!) |

Henry's on the move. I'm pretty sure we will have a 10 month walker. He's walking everywhere he can holding onto our hands (sometimes only one hand) and is scooting around to get where he wants. He is still an army crawler and maybe that's just how he's going to crawl. But boy oh boy, he wants to walk so bad. He's holding on to the edge of couches, crib, tables, etc and walking all around. Makes for fun bed times. Ha. 

We call the above pose his "strike a pose". Ha. He gets in this position and puts his hand on his thigh and it's hilarious. 

Fall is here! I'm loving the gorgeous fall color that is starting to pop up in our trees. Plus we did enjoy some lower temps this past week (hopefully they come back again next week....). I plan to take Henry to the farmer's market in the morning to pick out some pretty pumpkins and maybe get a picture or two of him posed with them. You know, the obligatory pumpkin patch picture most kiddos have. The farmer's market always has the prettiest pumpkins, I'm partial to the white and light blue ones but I'll probably come home with some traditional orange ones too. 

Hello autumn

Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go. Letting go quotes on

Ya'll this quote got me all choked up for some reason. Isn't it the truth though? Finding beauty in the letting go. 

Can I just take a moment to say that my husband is one of my favorites this week (and every day). He's my real life superhero...not sure where I'd be without him. I don't think any of us would have any clean clothes without him. He does so much for our little family and I probably don't thank him or show him my appreciation enough. He is one of my biggest blessings. 

(pictured...Bat Dad and his Bat Kid.)

I've really been struggling with balance lately. Working, motherhood, being a wife, taking care of a home just feels like I'm letting all kinds of chips fall lately. My house is seriously a bomb zone. My mom mentioned the other day that Henry was scared of the vacuum. She asked if he did that at home. I honestly had to laugh....not sure he's heard the vacuum very often at home?! Ha.  And time for myself...ha. None. I know that's important too but there's just no room! 
I know in this season it's just how it is but if you guys have any tips on how you keep all areas organized, this struggling gal would love them. Trying to give myself grace. 
#yoga #inspiration #mantra

And this one just because it's funny. Ha! (Total 90's kid movie)
Yes! Our life summed up in one board game…  #funny #motherhood…

Hope ya'll had a great week. Here's to the weekend!!! Yay!

1 comment :

  1. I honestly didn't feel like I got any "me time" until after G was 1! Even now it's just after he goes to bed.
