Saturday, September 9, 2017

Life Lately's been a while since I blogged! School and family life have demanded so much time that this little old blog has become neglected. Here's a quick update on our life lately!

Firstly, I want to say we are praying hard for all our family and friends in Florida. Praying for your safety during this beast of a hurricane. Casa Lindstedt is open if anyone needs a room.

This kiddo is 8 months old! Where did the time go? I know I keep saying each month is my new favorite but 8 months sure is fun. His personality is pretty darn developed. We are seeing him enjoy and create humorous moments, a small stubborn streak has emerged (yikes) and he is a little flirt with the ladies. Sounds like his daddy doesn't he? Ha! 

Gone are the baby food only days. Henry wants whatever we are eating now. Loves blueberries, peaches, corn, peas, bread, pasta, yogurt, cheese, sweet potatoes, rice, chicken...just to name a few. Henry and I shared a broccoli and cheese soup and baguette at Panera the other day and I'm pretty sure he ate more of it than I did! 

Still daddy's best bud. I'm flying up to Michigan for my cousin's wedding next weekend and it will be the first time that Josh and Henry are by themselves for 3 straight days. I'm sure they will be just fine. Probably won't miss me at all. 

Ya'll, this is how Josh is greeted coming home each day. Henry is big on walking around (not crawling..even though he can) holding our hands. He leads me to the front door everyday when I say, "Daddy's home". Claps his hands and kisses the door. It's really adorable, I need to catch it on video one day. 

Henry is wearing 12-18 months clothes and size 3 or 4 shoes. He also has 8 teeth now! 4 of those are currently coming in right now, at the same time. Ugh. Poor kid. I guess he'll be able to eat steak soon! 

We were blessed to spend Labor day weekend in Michigan with Josh's family. His grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. It was a beautiful weekend and Henry loved seeing all his cousins and family. The 12 hour car ride though??? Let's not talk about that torture. Let's just say we won't be doing that again anytime soon. 

Treasuring each moment of these 8 months. Look how big he is in my lap now. It's a catch 22 of looking forward to the new independence he's gaining with each new milestone but yet wishing you could freeze time so they stay this small a little longer. 

Yesterday we sat outside and had a snack while we were waiting on daddy to get home. We went downtown Mt. Holly for Food truck Friday. What a fun evening! 

Life is full of fun with these two. I'm so blessed. 

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