Friday, July 28, 2017

Friday Favorites- Last Friday of July!

 Is it seriously the last Friday of July? Time SLOW down! My summer is flying away!

My brother and sister in law are in town visiting. They live in Orlando so the times we get to see them are precious indeed. Henry was very excited (if you couldn't tell.) One thing we've done to help Henry remember and recognize family faces is a family picture board. We put pictures on the board of family that does not live nearby and every day we look at it and point out and name each person. When he saw David and Brooke when they arrived he smiled big right away, like he knew them well. I think doing that little exercise every day really helps, plus he LOVES looking at pictures. 

Time hop killed it this week. Can't believe one year ago I was here! I loved being pregnant (until the last few weeks of course...ha.)

This is our niece, Addison. We had just gotten home from our honeymoon and couldn't wait to drive up to Michigan to visit our FIRST ever niece! She was such a good baby. I can't believe it's been 8 years since she arrived and brought so much joy to our family! I also reminisce that I took these very blurry photos with my first smart phone- a Blackberry. I thought I was so cool. It was pink too. Ahhh, the memories. 

 Here's Miss Addy today!

Some more Timehop love...This is our other niece Ella. For two summers in a row, I visited MN in the summer to spend time with her and her mommy and daddy. Such fun visits those were. I can't wait to hopefully take Henry there next summer to experience a beautiful MN summer and spend time with his family! 

Here's Ella now (and is that seriously my baby?? He's changed so much!)

My stroller is seriously a favorite of mine this week. It's so easy to fold with one hand, take anywhere and Henry is super comfy. It has three recline positions and the lowest is almost flat, perfect for pool naps! We've been going on walks every morning (of course today's walk was in 90% humidity, ugh). If you are on the market for a stroller, the Chicco Bravo is a winner! Excuse Henry's glare..he though the humidity was ridiculous too. 

My dad just returned from a trip to Germany and he brought me back some goodies. Mini Haribo gummi bears are a favorite and also the yummy salad dressing packets too. He also brought back the breadcrumbs they use for many recipes, including schnitzel. Yum. I will be making that soon. I found a board on Pinterest called Just Like Oma. It has a bunch of traditional German recipes which I was so stoked to find. I don't know how to cook many German dishes (partly cause the recipes are in German) and to find these in English just made my day! Now I can try and replicate those yummy dishes that my Oma and Opa used to make us! 

German Pork Schnitzel including a Jägerschnitzel Sauce. A quick and easy meal ❤️    Check out

Does July really need to be over?
 I'm enjoying my summer days with this kiddo so very much. I'm always excited to start a new school year but this one is bittersweet. Next week I go back for a day to do some work at school and Henry will stay with Grammy. It'll be a reminder of what life will look like in a mere month. I've already started praying over my classroom and the new kiddos that will fill it. I know that God places each kiddo in my room for a reason and it's always so exciting to meet them! 
How perfect is this verse in regards to a teacher and her students? 

This scripture reminds me of my responsibility as a teacher! Made this for my teacher friends:)

Ending with some cute Henry pics. Just because. 

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

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