Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Henry- 7 months old

Sweet Henry, my summer with you is just flying by. I can't believe you are 7 months old! You are starting to do so many new things, each day brings new joy.

Your daddy and I often just look at you in wonder and such immense thankfulness that you are ours! God gave us our most precious gift in you. It's hard to imagine life before you were in it! 

7 months have brought some exciting developments- TEETH! The two front bottom teeth started working their way out over our trip to Detroit and once we arrived back home the top two started poking through. That explains your crankiness...four teeth coming in must hurt! Below is the best I could get of that top tooth!

You continue to love to eat! We are still doing a combo of baby led weaning and purees with you. If I try to let you feed yourself when your hungry...I get a big temper tantrum. You have to be a little less hungry for that. So we usually start a meal with purees. Here's some of your current "real" food favorites: 
Peppers (red or green)
Zucchini (roasted)
Sweet potato (roasted and mashed)
Frozen multi-grain waffle (great for teething!)
Peaches (your favorite!)
Soy yogurt (regular dairy seems to irritate you)

You've started rolling all around to get you where you'd like to go. We've caught you scooting a few times (more like pulling yourself forward with your arms) but we aren't sure you knew what you were doing yet. You are a pro at sitting up for long periods of time. It's fun to watch you play upright with your toys now. You love knocking down anything that is stacked up for you. Makes you giggle each time it falls down. Peek-a boo and nursery rhymes with hand motions are big favorite right now too. Every toy still goes in your mouth, I'm guessing that's not ending anytime soon. Ha! 

Your daddy is still your go to guy. Literally melts my heart watching you two. I have to say, you are quite a mama's boy too and this summer has been great for us! I'm sad to even think about starting school again. I know you will have so much fun with Grammy but mommy's going to miss you so much!

You've enjoyed swimming in the pool and we even got to try swinging for the first time! Naps seem to be regulating themselves a little (knock on wood...hope I'm not jinxing myself) and most days you take one good long 1.5-2 hr nap in the morning and another 45min to 1 hour in the afternoon. I'll take it, anything beats those 20 minute cat naps you were taking! Night time is going great too, you wake up maybe once for your paci. 

Henry, you are such a fun kiddo! We love you so much and although we wish time would slow down, we are enjoying every new stage that comes! 

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