Thursday, July 20, 2017

Michigan Trip- Summer 2017

I was so blessed to be able to take a trip up to Detroit to visit with my grandparents and extended family for the week. It was so much fun to see Henry interact with his great grandparents and many different family members and cousins!
The plan was for my mom and I to drive up to MI and split the trip in half. My dad was going to drive up with us and then fly down but he surprised us by flying Henry and I up at the last minute. Got to say I didn't protest too much! Ha! So Henry had his 3rd flight in his short 7 month life! My cousin Thais picked us up from the airport and brought along Henry's brand new cousin Finley! There are 6 months between them and quite a huge difference in size! 5 lbs in comparison to Henry's 20! Ha! I loved snuggling her so very much!

While we were there we got to spend time with my cousins and their sweet kiddos. Henry is so blessed to have so many cousins that are close to his age. I'm sure in just a year, the interaction between them will look so different! There are 9 great grandchildren all under 3. My cousin Alyssa and I were pregnant with Camryn and Henry at the same time and it's always so fun to see the babies together.
The most special moments were watching my grandparents with Henry. They clearly enjoyed each other's company! I think it's so special that he has two sets of great grandparents still in his life. What a blessed little boy! They got a kick out of his jumperoo that we had brought along. He bounces all around like a little bunny in that thing.
Some more pictures of Henry moments during our trip. My grandparents have the prettiest backyard and deck. Everything just seems to grow better in Michigan. Must be the dirt.

 We enjoyed our trip up north so much. The next trip we have planned is for Labor Day- to the other side of MI to see Josh's family. Lots of summer fun ahead!

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