Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What's Up Wednesday

What We're Eating This Week

So far we've had BBQ pork chops and grilled sausage with veggies.
The rest of the week I haven't really planned out yet. It's a day by day week over here.

What I'm Reminiscing About....

We had some precious visitors this week. Our good friends (really like family) visited us and got to love on Henry! I used to babysit Jack, Claire and Clay from the time the two youngest were bitty babies. Claire was one of my flower girls. Love, love, love them and their sweet mama too! So that led me to reminisce about the times I was taking care of them. Sorry sweet Jack, I don't have any digital photos of us! 

What I'm Loving.....

I'm absolutely in LOVE with Henry's 6 month photo session taken by the talented Shanti (SClancy Photography). I wanted to share a few of my favorites. If ya'll haven't heard of you need to check them out! It's a great easy app to download phone and camera pics to print for a minimal shipping fee. Like 85 prints for 4-5 bucks? Can't beat it! I love that I can have actual hard copy prints to share with family and friends and add to his baby book!

I mean come on...look at that sassy expression! Ha!

What We've Been Up To...
We've been pretty low key. Been going to the pool, taking walks, going to the library and spending time at Grammy and Gramps. They just built a beautiful screened in porch/deck and we love going over there for dinner. Aunt Danielle meets us there too.
I'm trying REALLY hard to be diligent to start nap training with Henry. The no-nap is wearing me out. Any tips? It's harder than I thought to let him cry (I'm a sucker) but I think that will be the only way. We did enjoy a leisurely Sunday afternoon eating lunch and walking around the little town of Belmont. Such a cute town.

Porch's all fun and games until the big drool happens. Ha!

Looking at the train in downtown Belmont.

Staring the habit of the morning walk.

What I'm Dreading....
The 12 hour ride to Michigan next week.  

What I'm Working On.....
I'm going to try during nap time this week to get out my sewing machine to sew a window shade for the guest bath and also to embroider some cute designs on some clothes for our new little cousin, Finley! She's precious and we can't wait to meet her when we get to Michigan next week!

Easy (free) applique patterns and instructions. Aplikointimalli, mm. norsu, kissa, tähti, cupcake.

What I'm Excited About...

Michigan! I can't wait to see my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins! It's important to me for Henry to know his family and how special is it that he still has great grandparents in his life? We have plans to see family, old sights and play lots with cousins! 

What I'm Watching/Reading About...
Reading= nada (a rogue magazine article here and there)
Watching- Fixer Upper and basically everything HGTV (only when I'm nursing)
What I'm Listening To....
When I'm not playing music for Henry (or once he falls asleep!) I play podcasts. One of my favorites right now is called Stuff You Missed in History Class. Lot of interesting quick biographies and interesting topics. I enjoy that kind of thing though. The latest one I listened to was all about Lucille Ball. 

Image result for what you missed in history class rss

Another podcast I loved (which I warn you...did have some language) was S-Town. It's a real life story that will have you intrigued from the first minute. Maybe just don't listen to it with kids around.

Image result for s-town

What I'm Wearing.....
Lots of elastic waist shorts (Loft and Old Navy)! Thank goodness they are in style..still working on losing the post partum belly!
I'm also loving my two new dresses from...wait for it...Loft. I'm sure you could guess that. Ha.

Image of Crochet Yoke Dress  Image of Crochet Sleeveless Maxi Dress

What I'm Doing this Weekend.....
Celebrating the Fourth a little early with family and friends! For the past couple years we've got to see the Charlotte Symphony to celebrate the 4th of July. I love that we picnic and enjoy the beautiful music and fireworks at the end. We will probably leave before the fireworks this year but it will be fun to bring Henry this time!

 Pictures from 2015:
Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling

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