Friday, June 23, 2017

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites 01

Summer mornings with my little guy are so fun. Just so I can go back and reference what a day looked like someday, here's a rough outline.

7:00- Wake up, nurse, than play for a bit before breakfast
8:30- Henry gets baby yogurt/purees and some whole foods to practice eating
9:00- Go on a walk or some kind of outside fun
9:30/10:00- Henry takes his first nap of the day. Fingers crossed it's at least an hour. Naps are still a work in progress.
11:00- Nurse Henry and get him dressed for the day
11:30-1:00- Run errands, go to the pool, visit the library, play with toys, go to the park, play dates with friends etc.
1:00- Lunch for Henry (purees, whole foods of some sort)
2:00-4:00- Usually his long nap of the day. 
4:00- Nurse again and play while mommy makes dinner.
5:00- Daddy's home! Play a little while dinner is finished and then eat as a family.
6:30/6:45- Start bath time (Josh usually does this while I'm cleaning up from dinner)
7:15/7:30- Read books, nurse and rock til almost asleep. 

The days can seem a bit repetitive but we are loving summer and finding our groove. I'm loving that Henry seems to happy that I'm home with him and he's getting pretty attached to mama only (sorry family...but I'm loving it..ha!) He's still happy to go to people but he better have me in his sight line! 

We enjoyed a great Father's day by grilling yummy steaks and enjoying an afternoon on the water. Before I hear about it, Henry does have a life jacket. We took it off for a little while when we parked the boat so he could cool off comfortably in the little tub we brought along. 

This guy enjoyed his first Father's day! 

Eating with this kid is fun to watch! 

Loved our first visit to the public library on Monday! They have story time for babies every Monday. It's so cute with songs, books, puppets, bubbles and best of's free! I'll have to take some pictures during the class next time. Henry absolutely loved it. I had no idea he would love bubbles at this age, so now I'm off to Walmart in a bit to buy some.  I've been singing him the songs we learned all week! I hope he grows to love reading as much as I do! Anyone have any other fun and free ideas of things to do with 6-9 month old baby in the summer? 

Excited to be planning a trip to MI for a quick visit after 4th of July. Mom is going to be driving up with me. I'm a bit scared of a 12 hour car ride with the kid who hates his car seat for long periods. Someone please assure me that I'll survive!?! Any tips? It's really only the drive I dread. Once we arrive in Michigan I know he will be back to his normal happy self. But seriously...any advice or tips are greatly appreciated. I think we may try to stop halfway and leave in the afternoon so we have his long nap time to help out the situation a little. 

Image result for detroit michigan

 Have a great weekend everybody!!

1 comment :

  1. I'll be travel just kind of sucks at that age! I had a bunch of books and toys for Gerrit when we traveled, but you better believe I had to sit in the backseat and entertain him for HOURS. And he refused to take mire than one nap in the car while we traveled. I prayed he would sleep so I could get a break from singing, reading, and just being ridiculous haha. My best advice would be to pack a variety of things he likes (and maybe a few new books or toys?), and don't be afraid to stop as needed. We all like a break from the car once in awhile! Pack a nice outdoor blanket for nice rest areas and parks so you all can stretch your legs and relax.
