Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Henry- 6 Months Old

Henry- you are 6 months old today! Officially halfway to one! As I rocked you to sleep tonight I may have cried a few tears over how sad I am that these months are going so fast. The best 6 months of my life so far! I was telling your daddy tonight that I can't remember what life was like without you and we both agreed, life with you is so much sweeter. I know I say this all the time but I'm so thankful that God blessed us with you. Every hard moment in our waiting for you has proved what an awesome God we truly have. His plan is so much greater than ours! We pray that you are a light for him and that we can guide you and be great examples of Christ for you daily. I already feel like we've made lots of mistakes in parenting, thankful that each day brings grace! 


Some highlights from the past month:
-You have officially started rolling over (and over...) 
-Starting to sit up for short periods of time unassisted
-Loved your first dip in the pool. You thought the people watching was great. 
-You have the funniest little screech. It's like you try out different ways you can use your voice. The screech is not as cute when you use it with a temper. We've had to start telling you "No, sir!" whenever you do that. Stinker.
-You give the best kisses and cuddles. I love when you grab our faces and lean in to snuggle. 
-Started to try some real non-pureed foods. Adventures in baby led weaning has begun.

One of our favorite things to do in the afternoons is sit on the porch and wait for daddy to pull in the driveway. You see him pull in and get the biggest grin on your face! I hope you always think your daddy is the greatest thing. 

Big boy jammies slay me. How cute are you? 

Snoozing with mama while daddy was away. You are the most restless sleeper I've ever met. Wiggling and squirming all night long. You were like that in utero too! 

Daddy and I didn't believe we could love someone as much as we love you. Hoping the next 6 months goes a little slower but we will be enjoying and loving every minute. 

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