Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday Favorites

        Linking up with the lovely ladies above- Erika, Shay, and Andrea.

I am so very happy that it's a long weekend! Looking forward to relaxing and having fun with my two men! I want to go to the Farmer's Market on Saturday, I've been dying for some cut peonies! Plus, it's really fun to walk around and see all the beautiful produce and home made items. We may visit the Whitewater center and do some walking around if the weather is nice. It will be a nice preview to summer! 

Could his grin be any bigger?? Henry is starting to love reading..yay! (Or maybe that smile is just because Daddy is taking his picture...ha). 

Those lashes though. *Sigh*. What a waste on a boy....

When your kid only took a 30 minute nap all day for let him snooze in the car even after your home to catch up on those Zzzz's! 

Image result for home chef

Ya'll!!  My little brown box arrived yesterday! This service has helped me survive the past three months -Home Chef! It's one of those meal delivery services like Blue Apron or Hello Fresh. I preferred it to the others mainly because I have a boring palate and am not that adventurous with food. Home Chef has delicious and easy recipes for meals that I would make again. Josh and I have been getting the meals twice a month (total of 4 meals) and it has been great. We've liked everything that we've picked. I love that it saves me a trip to the grocery store and from wasting food because it comes with the perfect portion of each ingredient ready for use. I also love that the meals have never taken longer than 45 minutes total to make. YAY! For this busy mama, that is awesome! Plus, Henry loves to sit in his Bumbo chair and watch me cook. 
If you want to try it, click my link to sign up. I get a referral credit when you try....thanks for helping feed the Lindstedts! Ha! :o)

Image result for home chef

Related image

If you are an Anne of Green Gables fan like me, you will have to check out the new series on Netflix. I loved the books so much that I wrote an essay in high school about how I'd choose to be Anne if I were a character from a book. While I'm still partial to the Megan Follows version from the 90's, this one is good as well. The acting is great- it's a little darker and veers from the books a bit more than I'd like. I do feel that it's a true representation of what real life would have been like in rural Canada in the Victorian era. The young girl who plays Anne is just precious and a great actress. Someday I hope to travel to Prince Edward Island which is the setting of the books and both mini-series. It looks so beautiful there in all seasons of the year.

My Kindergarten team is thinking about next year already! We are wanting to get a new tshirt to coordinate and wear on special days. I found the three below and think they are just the cutest. Can't decide on which one to get (or maybe all three??)


Shared this on Instagram the other day. Love what it says and what good advice! Hope you had a great week! What's Up Wednesday post is in the works for next week. Is it really already the end of May? 

1 comment :

  1. Those shirts would all be so cute for school! We got Home Chef this past week too, and we got another box delivered today!
