Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Henry- Month 5

Another month filled with fun new things! 

Henry, you are five months old! Almost halfway to one! (Time slow down!!)
Mommy and Daddy are enjoying this age so much. You are such a happy little guy and bring us so much joy!

I celebrated my very first Mother's Day with you (out of the womb). Daddy posted this picture because he said I looked so beautiful in it. What's beautiful about it is your sweet little hand touching my face! This is something you started last week and you only do it with me so far. It's usually when I'm rocking you and you nurse or have a bottle. It's just the sweetest thing. 

You've started to really snuggle up to people this past month. Usually you are very on the go all the time and curious but you've been quite the snuggle bug. Here's a picture of you snuggling at Grammy's house face timing with me while I pumped at work! It's so hard to leave you to go to work but it makes our time at home together all that much sweeter. 

I want to capture all the sweetness that is you right now! 
The little lips and bubbles you blow....

Those little feet....

Sweet pudgy hands....

darling little ears.....

I could just eat you up! 

Some highlights from this month:

-You started to really reach out and grab things. Up until this point you would randomly swat but this month you purposely grab!
- Belly laughing! Oh the sound! Nothing makes Daddy or I smile bigger!
- Love the songs "5 Little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed" and "This Little Light of Mine"
-Find peek-a-boo and patty-cake very amusing
-Finally like to ride in the car. Usually you will fall asleep in your car seat now. Hallelujah.

-Starting eating solids twice a day. Sweet potatoes, pears, peas, and apples are your favorites so far. Bananas not so much. You are so our kid. Ha!

- You go to sleep between 7:00 and 8:00 pm. You are definitely a routine kid. When it gets close to 7 you let us know that you are ready to start your bedtime routine. Bath, read, rock and nurse! 
-About half and half sleeping through the night and waking once or twice to eat. We hope that this coming month brings more sleeping through the night consistently.
-You finally started to nap more. Some days you were only taking a 30 minute nap and maybe 15 minute cat naps here and there. It was driving us nuts! Now you are taking at least one or two 45 min to an hour naps in the day plus a few 30 minute catnaps. Work in progress.

We sure love you Henry John!! I'm so glad that God blessed us with you! 


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