This is what blogging looks like now. Baby on me, standing to keep moving so said baby will continue to snooze. Two more babies behind me in swings. Nap times are precious real estate of time and especially precious when both brothers are at Nana and Grampy's house! So I'm taking this second to blog....before feeding #800000000 begins.
The darn Coronavirus has put a damper of everyone's spring but we are not complaining. We are healthy and together and we pray for those who are suffering. It makes for very long days and fast nights (ha!) and entertaining two toddlers and taking care of three infants is made even harder by not being able to go anywhere or have the help that we had planned on having due to this virus. Praying it ends soon!
Since preschool is out for the boys, I've tried to come up with some activities to keep Henry learning but to be honest, there's just a lot of play and television happening right now, which I'm fine with. I also cracked up at this meme because with boys, it's 100% true! Wrestling all day long. I'm good with it until it's almost bed time and then I lose it. What is with boys?!?!
On the nice days, we've done our best to spend at least and hour or two outside. We even play in the rain. Whatever we can do to get some energy out!
Easter was a beautiful day despite not being able to worship in our church with our congregation. We know that the whole body of Christ was celebrating that beautiful day in their homes with their families and we prayed to be connected to everyone in our praise and hearts. It will be such a sweet moment to be back together in our little church building and see our church family again.
We dressed up the kids in their Easter outfits just to go have dinner at my mom and dads. They looked so adorable and I actually was able to get a decent one of all 5 kids! Even if the boys had to be bribed with cookies.
Claire, Audrey and Kate
We've spent a lot of time just enjoying our moments together. Sure, 50% of this time is chaos and frustrating but the other 50% is really lovely! Ha! We miss our family and friends very much. For Henry and I (the extroverts of our family) this is very hard. I have to get out of the house at least once a day or I will go nuts.
My buddy and I got out of the house to grab a milkshake the other day! It was his first from "Old McDonalds"! Lets just say he enjoyed it.
(A, C and K- enjoying some time with daddy and I before bath)
Audrey snuggling Kate in a milky dream.
Kate the great all smiley in the morning!
Kate and Claire (who has the best faces)
A rare moment that they were all happy in their 4moms contraptions. We have one of every baby equipment out there. They liked these at first but now it seems they prefer the regular swing or lets be honest...someone's arms. Ha!
Little Miss Audrey
Graham has found the dress up clothes. He decided to be Buzz this particular morning.
Daddy's girl (Claire)
Claire and Daddy
Claire, Kate and Audrey in their cute onesies from their cousin Finley! These girls have the cutest clothes, I get them dressed every day just so they can wear the outfits! Their closet is full of dresses, once the weather gets consistently warmer we will be breaking those out!
Audrey, Kate and Claire
Best big brother
Hard to get this kid to smile. We spent FOUR hours at Lazy 5 Ranch one afternoon. That is a story for another day. Lets just say we won't be going back any time soon!
I hope you are all holding up well and making the most of the time you have with your family. When this is over, I can't wait to give my family and friends the biggest smile and hugs! Praying you all stay safe and healthy!
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