We have a one year old! Holy cow, did this year go fast!!
Graham- you have been our biggest surprise and blessing. You bring so much joy to our family and we can't imagine life without you!
We celebrated your birthday with a "Wild One" (Where the Wild Things Are) theme. Nana made the coolest cakes and cookies for your party. Everyone enjoyed them so much! It was just a small celebration with family and some of your favorite people! We are so thankful for our village who helps us out and loves on our boys.
Aunt Danielle and Uncle Blake came into town with Remy. You love your family so much. We missed your other grandparents/aunts/uncles and cousins but distance is tough!
Mikhayla hangs the moon and stars for our two little boys. They love their "Kay-ya".
Graham was a big fan of cake. He had his one year photo shoot with Shanti that morning and I can't wait to get those pictures back! He smashed his cake with much gusto. It was so funny.
He could care less about presents and had more fun just pushing his brother around on his new ride on push toy. Ha!
Some facts about you at one years old:
-You have 7 teeth and more on the way. Your toothy grin is the best!
-You are wearing 18-24 month clothes and they fit your perfectly. You are long and so opposite of your brother in build.
-You babble all day long but only say about 3 words so far. Da-da, all done, hi. You do sign "all done" and starting to sign "more". (Kinda fell off the sign language bandwagon with this kid...ooops.)
-Not walking yet but crawling and climbing like a monkey. You are so close to walking though and will push a car around all day.
-You eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Not a picky kid at all. We are so thankful for that.
-Still getting a bottle about 3-4 times a day. You're not very interested in it anymore and I figure we will be cutting it back pretty soon.
-You love being read to. When you are at Nana's, you could read books for 30 minutes at a time! A lot of times if it's quiet and I don't know where you went, I will find you in a corner looking at books. Makes this mama's bookworm heart happy!
-You love playing outside and going for walks. Not a huge fan of slides or swings at the playground but love to climb the steps of any play structure.
-Bath time is so fun with you. I swear you think you are part fish. I know you will love the pool this summer!
-You don't watch a ton of tv but if you do, favorites are definitely Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
-Baby Shark, A Bushel and a Peck and The Wheels on the Bus are your favorite songs that will always illicit smiles!
-Henry is your best friend and you follow him around ALL day. While you two occasionally exasperate each other, I know that bond and love for each other is already very strong! I'm so glad God gave you each other to be best buddies and brothers.
Happy Birthday, sweet Graham! We pray God continues to bless your life and that you can continue to be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet!
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