Friday, July 6, 2018

Life with baby and a toddler = a beautiful mess

I have been meaning to type this post for a long time. Let's be honest. My free time is only from 12-3 (and even then there are some interruptions, i.e feeding the baby, etc.) and during those hours I try to accomplish something. Sometimes it's to clean the kitchen counters, mop a floor or heavens...take a nap! I have been meaning to blog a REAL life post about life with a toddler and baby and today I'm taking a little time to do it. Baby is playing on the floor next to me as I type. 

I knew it would be a challenge to parent a toddler and a new baby but until you're in the throes of it, you have no idea how HARD it is. They both need you (usually at the same time, ha) and you have some kind of constant guilt of choosing one over the other in those moments. Toddler throws the 3rd tantrum and it's only 9 am. Ugh. Blow out diapers, food on my floor, toys/burp clothes/things ALL OVER MY HOUSE. Taking any trip requires a ton of thought and preparation. Will I need to get them in and out of the car more than once to accomplish what I want on this outing? If so...forget about it. Staying home in pjs it is. We all survive and the day moves on. There's no manual or one size fits all explanation or advice that helps make this stage easier and I think once I come to grips with that it will get better. 

There are lovely things about this time too. Promise. Seeing Henry ask for "Gah" (Graham) in the mornings and when he wakes from nap is heart melting. Watching Graham begin to smile and follow Henry's every move with his eyes is fun as well. Experiencing all those sweet baby moments so quickly again is especially wonderful. I also love the toddler stage and the independence it starts to bring. Henry entertains himself for longer periods of time and I love seeing his imagination start to blossom. Seeing Henry meet family and loved ones and make those connections causes my heart swell too. Such a charmer he is. 

So while I may be covered in drool, not dressed, dishes from all day in the sink, footprints on my floor and more...I will still say I'm so immensely thankful for these two little blessings of mine. God gave them to me and I'm so very grateful. Even the hard days are wonderful because I can call them my children. My life might be a beautiful mess right now but there is no place I'd rather be. So any new mama reading this...take heart. It will get easier and harder and easier again! Ha! Enjoy each stage because it's all over to soon. Babies don't keep. 

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