Hello! Yes. We are still alive. The blog is still around. Time is a hot commodity over here so it's a bit neglected. Thought I'd share a little update and some adorable picture taken by the fabulous Shanti! We love our sweet kiddos and the pictures are wonderful keepsakes and reminders of a hectic but very fun time in our lives.
Let me tell you, these gals are just precious and so sweet. They each have a very distinct personality. Social smiles have started this past week...the fun times are coming!
Claire is pretty easy going. She has the biggest eyes and is very serious. She's our chunky monkey, weighing a full pound heavier than her sisters. She doesn't like to miss a thing. She is our singer and often hums while she eats.
Audrey is as feisty as we expected her to be. She makes the cutest expressions and she's the loudest! She does not like getting dressed or being cold. If something is bothering her, she lets us know. She is a great eater and is doing her best to catch up to her sisters in size!
Kate is our happy girl. She was the first to smile and coo at us. She is our deep sleeper (once she's actually asleep that is...) and likes to nap occasionally on her belly. I think she's going to be a butt in the air sleeper like her big brother Graham!
This guy is proving to be a great girl dad. They all love to be cuddled up on their daddy's chest and take the best naps in his arms. He's a true partner in parenting. Taking care of three babies is no easy feat and even though it can be exhausting and frustrating at times, he keeps our household going and smiles the whole time!
I have to admit, I'm overwhelmed most of the time. The newborn fog is a real thing and I feel like I'm always letting a shoe drop. I love my sweet girls and am so excited about how much they've grown and just fit into our family perfectly. I can't wait for them to get a little bigger and really start to interact with us and each other. Months 4 and on are my favorite.
So far they are great sleepers! They are waking up only once a night now (around 2 am) and they are pretty easy to feed and put back down. They love to nap in their cribs and seem to sleep the most soundly there. We put them in their cribs from day 1 and I think that really made a difference. I know that I sleep a lot better. Ha!
They are eating 3-4 ounces every three to four hours. I'm still pumping although that journey may end soon. I've had multiple episodes of mastitis and finding the time to pump is proving difficult. Fed is best is what I say and they are thriving so that's all that matters.
This kid right here loves his sisters with his whole heart! Since day one, he has been all about them. He loves to help feed, hold and interact with his sisters. Henry is starting to be able to tell them apart but for the first month of so, whenever he would come up to us he would ask us who we were holding. He calls them his girls. Sweetest thing I've ever seen and makes my heart melt every time. I hope he always loves them as much as he does now!
Graham loves them too but is a little less interested at the moment. I think once they start to interact with him, he will be more excited. He is daddy's boy right now. For being 21 months when they were born, he handled it very well. Hasn't shown any jealousy or acted out. He's our bam bam Graham and he's going to be his sisters protector.
The adjustment to being a family of 7 has had it easy and hard moments. Your heart expands more than you ever thought possible. We always wish there were more hours in the day. Right now cleaning, cooking, folding laundry are pretty much on the back burner and if you entered my house, there would probably be at least 2 children screaming at a time. We are doing our best and I have to remember to offer myself and everyone else grace as we navigate this new season of our lives. I know that if I could fast forward 6 months from now, it will look totally different and easier (and probably harder in different ways) but I'm trying to relish these last moments with newborns in our home. God continues to show his wonderful plan for our lives and we feel so blessed. Thank you to all of you who have helped us by bringing meals, volunteering time and praying for us! We appreciate it so very much!
Just for giggles....daddy is silly.
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