This is probably the most requested post I've had over the past 9 months. Of course, it's only taken me 9 months to publish. Anyhow, here it goes! I've also included the links to the exact products that we've used. Hopefully this is helpful to those planning for a new baby (or babies)!
1. Baby Brezza
We use this I don't know how parents of multiples survive without it. Yes, I know you can buy a pitcher and make a huge batch of formula but the convenience and simplicity of this just makes it worth it. If you are registering, this is a great one to put on there or use gift cards to treat yourself! It makes the bottles the perfect temperature and one touch dispenses the correct amount of formula. We have never had any issues with ours and still love it 9 months in. If we are being honest, I'm kind of jealous I didn't have this for my last two babies!
2. Dockatot
Another purchase that I have no regrets about. We were gifted two of these so we only had to buy one. These were amazing in the early days when they were tiny. When we brought our three home from the hospital we put them right into their own cribs to sleep. I feel that these really helped them sleep more soundly and comfortably in that big crib at first! All my babies love to snuggle or feel like they are next to someone and they seemed to be so happy to feel surrounded and safe. Bonus- you can take them anywhere with you! Many times we would bring them to my parents house for them to nap in on the floor and they worked like a charm! I think these really contributed to my three sleeping long stretches (3-4 hours!) already at 2 weeks old.
We even fit two dockatots in a crib!
3. Sound Machine
We have had a multitude of sound machines and really like things about all of them. We've had the DOHM, the Hatch, and a portable Marpac (current fave for babies). Our children can fall asleep without a sound machine but we use them anyhow. Honestly, I don't think I could fall asleep anymore without hearing that soothing noise over the monitors! Ha! The portable one is great becuase it's easy to pop in the diaper bag, hook on a stroller, etc and bam! Instant sound machine that helps block noise and lull those sweet babies to sleep.
4. My Brestfriend Twin pillow (and regular single pillow)
I've used the single and double and could not have nursed and fed babies in the beginning without it. What is so nice about this pillow is that it has extra back support which is so important when your nursing or feeding a baby. The twin pillow helped me to feed two babies at once, which was such a timesaver and I still got to cuddle them as they ate. I like that the babies don't sink into the middle which tends to happen with a regular Boppy nursing pillow.
Gosh, look at those little tiny baby faces! (K and C)
Another item that still gets used every day. I thought we'd never use these as much as we have. In the beginning, it was a safe place to lay a baby on the floor/bed/couch and not worry about the boys running around them. I could put two on a couch and tandem feed and now that they are older, they take their own bottles while "lounging" on this pillow. At nine months they can now roll off of it, so of course it's on the floor. I can see these still being used regularly for quite a while! Even the boys use them as pillows while watching tv sometimes.
We started out with three of these but two have now gone to other homes of new babies. Our one remains and we rotate the girls in and out of it and other bouncers/swings. All three of the girls loved this swing in the beginning. It has a ton of settings for type of motion, speed and even sounds. I think it mimiced our movements enough that it was soothing for them. I also feel that since I had three, these took up the least amount of space compared to a traditional baby swing.
7. Double and Triple stroller
I wasn't sure what kind of stroller I'd love for the babies in the beginning. It was extra hard because I technically had a two and three year old that still needed to be in a stroller as well. We started out with two double strollers that our infant car seats could click into. This was extra helpful for doctors visits or trips out and about when they were infants. If I were by myself, I would wear one baby in a wrap and push the other two in the stroller. When we would go for walks as a whole family, Josh would have a baby and toddler and I'd have a baby and toddler while wearing the third baby. Now that the babies are older- we have traded in the double stroller for a triple stroller and WE LOVE IT. I would love a Wonderfold Wagon someday but for now, this is amazing. All three girls can look out and don't feel like they are missing anything and it can even be changed to a double or even a quad stroller if you have another seat. Pretty amazing. It rides smoothly and folds flat in the trunk-which is a huge deal! It has canopies that pull all the way down, seats recline and a basket underneath for some items.
I used both a soft wrap and a structured carrier with all 5 of my babies. Graham was probably the baby that was worn the most but the girls have gotten good use out of them as well. It's nice when one is just having a fussy day, I can pop them in the carrier and they calm down and enjoy being held. This allows me to still get some tasks completed hands free. The wrap was nice when they were newborns and the structured carrier is must better from 4 months on, although it does have a newborn insert as well. My babies were all nosy, so they loved the option of facing out.
Other must haves:
-Bottles (and lots of them). Our triplets go through 15-20 bottles a day!
-Burp clothes and bibs (again... lots and lots. Way more then you ever think you'd need!)
-Swaddles. Some like the blankets but we preferred the sleep sacks. Total baby preference.
-Diaper stations in multiple rooms
-Crib sheets and changing pad covers (trust me again...lots of these.)
I'm sure I could list more but this is a great starting point of the items that we've used the most! Is there a baby item that you feel you couldn't live without? Share in comments so we can all check them out!
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases made from clicking the links posted. I have only linked the items that we've loved and used ourselves!*
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