Saturday, February 23, 2019

Life Lately- February 2019

February has been a whirlwind month! My dads retirement weekend, Valentine's Day and just everyday life has kept us very busy! This is the first time I've had a few moments to sit down and type! 
This precious little boy is 10 months (almost 11 as I type...) how did that go so fast? He is a delight in every way. His nickname is "Bam Bam" and our little "turkey" and we couldn't imagine life without him. I'm already planning a "Wild One" first birthday, which I think is very fitting for our curious, full of life, charming and mischievous little guy! 

This grin and those little teeth can charm the pants off anyone. I know we are in a big trouble with this one. 

He's my snuggle buddy. I'm so glad he still loves to be held and loved on. He is quick to show affection and give a hug/kiss. 

Month 10- started scooting along furniture and with a walker, eating ALL table food, crawls up steps, destroys brother's train table, loves to look at books and be read to, loves his Nana, Aunt Siah and Mikhayla. He has his first friends at church and it's fun to watch him interact with his buddy Ella. Even though he likes to pull her hair. Yikes. He loved our friend that visited from Africa- gave him lots of hugs and kisses. 

This guy. He is changing and growing so much everyday. It feels like he became a little boy overnight. No more baby. 

Still loves to go to school and has so much fun but boy- is he tired when he gets home! He also loves to play at Nana and Grampy's house. He loves the Duplo legos and a little kitchen set that my mom bought. My old rocking horse is also a big hit. 

Sharing toys is beginning to be a struggle. We are working through it. Overall, Henry loves to make sure his brother is included and never overlooked. That part is heartwarming! 

I want to make sure I document some of the funny things he has said lately.
The other night he asked me for more "meat circles" (meatballs). We had a good laugh over that one. 
Always asks for his paci and lovie as one word- "pacilovie" and says it over and over and over again til you give it. 
Any book or show that's watched is so fun with him now. He loves to say "me Henry too?" when it's something that he relates to/or has done. 
He can sing all the words of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Jesus, Only Jesus which are both adorable. 
He is getting good at putting together 2-4 word phrases. He is soaking up language so quickly lately. 

He still enjoys reading and current favorites are If You Give a Mouse a Valentine, Dragons Love Tacos and We're Going On a Bear Hunt.

It's been so nice the few days we've had lately to go outside in the sunshine and soak up that wonderful vitamin D. I don't mind the cold but the dreary cloudy and rainy weather can take it's toll. Everyone is happier when we can go outside for a little. Signs of coming spring are starting to pop up and I'm looking forward to it so much. 

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