Thursday, December 27, 2018

2018 Almost a wrap!

I seriously cannot believe that this year is almost over. It has FLEW by. I guess getting older and having kids will do that! I love that Instagram always lets you look back on your "Top Nine" most liked posts of the year. It's obvious that this year was all about family and the addition of sweet Graham.  These moments all bring a smile to my face. 

I know that in social media you only see the "highlight" reel of someones life. I want you to know that my life is not perfect or wonderful ALL the time. I'm very often disorganized, quick tempered, probably have my phone out too often around my kids, not a great housekeeper/cook/etc. I mean, I could show you all those things but who'd want to see that?! Ha! As wonderful as 2018 was, I can say I spent much of it feeling overwhelmed, inadequate in all areas (work, motherhood, marriage) and just tired. I hope to make 2019 a better year or at least work to make those areas of my life function a little more smoothly. 

I'm being brave and typing out a few of my goals for 2019. If you have a system or tip for any of these, please share! We all have gifts and one of yours might be in an area that I'm struggling! 

1. Put down the phone more. I'm literally embarrassed as all get out to type this but I have an app that tells me how much time I'm spending on my phone a day. I average 3 hours. #ugh. And what have I accomplished by this? Absolutely nothing. I know it's important to just relax and enjoy social media sometimes but when I think of all the things I could be doing instead with that time that I also love to do (like read a book!) it's eye opening and a reality check. Not to mention I could be way more present when I'm home with my kiddos or even riding in the car with the family. 

2. Read! Ya'll, I've missed reading so much. Being a new mom again for the second time in a year and half, I haven't had a lot of time to read. That's changing this year. My goal is to read at least 1 book a month. Small goal but attainable! It's better than my current record (1 for the whole 2018. Yeesh.) Share some of your favorites and I will have to check them out!

3. Meal plan. I'm not the worst at the planning part but the actually coming home and cooking execution part. I loved using the Home Chef meal kits because it was already prepped for me and I HAD to cook it or it would spoil but budget doesn't allow for that every week. Whaaaah. So even if my family eats the simplest things, I need to be better about this. I would love to use the crock pot more but I'm not home from 7am -4:30/5pm and anything I make is basically dried out or burned by that time. 

4. Take time to read the bible and a devotional everyday. I feel so much better when I take the time to start my day with the Lord. If this means I need to get up earlier so I have 10 minutes of quiet time, so be it!

5. Date night! Now that we are out of the newborn craziness stage, Josh and I need to take a little time to take care our ourselves and our relationship. Parenting is hard and at the end of the day you lay in bed and realize you hardly talked to each other outside of child care that day. I know that having a good and healthy marriage is a top priority for both of us! This one should be fun! Any good date night ideas for us? (And thank you in advance to any babysitters we can wrangle. Taking care of two babies is hard work, we appreciate you!!!)

I feel like 5 goals is pretty realistic and doable for me.  I'm so excited to see what 2019 will bring to my life and family. What are some goals you have for the new year?

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year filled with more happiness than you can even imagine! 

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